#episode 312 and going LMAO
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so I saw your earlier post about how Tommy is getting Ali’ed, and I wanted to ask about who you think is the most developed and likeable out of Buck’s love interests? (except Eddie ofc, he’s the best and I can feel it in my bones that he will become endgame.) I’m still in s3, so I’m kinda a new watcher you could say. (I’ve read too many tumblr spoilers and copius amounts of fanfics though, so I’m able to keep up with and watch season 8 live).
I wanted to ask this because I’ve seen so much Tommy hype and promotion on here that I really thought that he was developed as a character and a main. But from what I’ve heard, he’s only worse than Buck’s and Eddie’s actually developed love interests. Before I actually started watching the show, I’ve only heard bits and pieces here and there about 911 and the “gay” firefighters, but that’s about it. I only started watching seriously during season 7, and I’m a pretty slow binge-watcher (hence why I’m only 3x12 lmao). When I went back to season 1, I fully expected to see Tommy (bc honestly, I thought Tommy and Eddie were the same person for a while lmaooo), but then I got to season 2 and saw the begin episodes and I was like wtf? How do people actually like this man? Eddie is literally RIGHT there. Even if Eddie wasn’t endgame or a romantic interest, he’s still a better compliment to Buck platonically than Tommy is romantically. So then I thought “oh maybe he had a redemption arc or like changed for the better like Buck did,” but from what I’ve seen on s8 and on here, it seemed like he didn’t? So that only makes me more confused on why a majority of the fandom seems to love his character. Personally, I don’t really see anything, but I guess everyone has their own opinions 🤷🏻 . Though, I’m scared that I’m basing this on too little info and I missed something because I haven’t watch seasons 4–7.
(this got so long I’m so sorry. it kinda ran away from me a little bit 🫡. Lowkey needed to vent my thoughts)
Hi, darling! I'm gonna ignore Abby, because in the context of season 1, Buck is her love interest, not the other way around, since she is the main character. So most developed is hands down Taylor. Ali was barely there, and Natalia didn't fulfill what they wanted to do with her since the actress couldn't come back to s7. Likable is complicated because Ali and Natalia aren't around enough for you to get attached and, Taylor and Tommy have a past of hurting the 118, so it's hard to be sympathetic at times. Taylor gets a lot of background information, they live together, even though the relationship is clearly wrong, both of them are trying to make it work as best as they can, so it makes sense for Taylor to be around. She tries to love Buck as best as she can, it's just not enough, they are incompatible. And, well, Tommy. Imma be honest, the only thing Tommy has going for him is the fact that he is a man. The bt fandom took that and ran. Basically, they decided that since he is a man and a first responder that meant that the relationship would be super developed and they built it UP based on nothing really (actually based on Lou having a cameo and people paying him to headcanon with them, but that's a whole another you just had to be there), not on the show at least. I don't believe he had a redemption arc, the show kinda makes it seem like being queer excuses his behavior and just doesn't address it. In my opinion, when I try my best to be unbiased and ignore the way I deeply hate the character because of the fandom, I think Tommy is pointedly being written as a bad fit in Buck's life and the relationship will run its course once Buck wakes up and stop just accepting whatever.
And if you think Eddie is the better compliment to Buck and you're still in 312, just wait, they get more intense. It's madness. They are soulmates, I don't care about anything else.
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#dont bother looking back cause we're going straight ahead#episode 312 and going LMAO#idk how many episodes ive watched since then but im still going forward#the show pretty fire no cap#🤣#bro this show got me in my feels for a ship 😭
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Screen time
Macy : 23m26s
Maggie : 20m07s
Mel : 18m25s
Harry : 13m20s
Abigael : 5m02s
Jordan : 4m28s
Here is a table with the details of the time shared
In a general manner I enjoyed the episode. It was entertaining and well passed. I don’t think it was their strongest episode so far but it was an entertaining one. It finally started to connect the other characters to the main storyline but also felt almost like a filler for the sisters. I also think the show should have maybe showed more consequences and different good things for the sisters. Because except for Mel (and I’ll come back to that later), the good things that happened to Maggie and Macy are pretty normal. It’s not like Maggie didn’t work for that internship. It’s not like a free legal clinic would get bad press. Or that it can’t happen to be upgraded in a hotel. Like yes what happened to antonio and that old man was really bad but at the same time it just didn’t feel like the sisters were gaining that much from it. Maybe if they had sticked to only it being the consequences of what they had to do to get the allergy off or something, rather than good things that could have normally happened, happening. I’m not sure that nakes sense but well lmao
Positive points:
The perfecti. They’re actually really entertaining on screens and are just funny. I think they were a great idea and a good addition to the story. And I’m genuinely excited to see more of them and how they’re story is going to unfold.
Josefina getting her powers. I’m glad they ended up giving her her powers with “wakening spell” similar to the one the sisters needed when they became witches. I really like her powers as well it’s so fitting.
Macy smiling. I have my issues with how the whole thing happened and I’ll take about it later but I’m glad she was finally able to catch a break. The show is often giving her storylines without a lot of time for her to just breath and I’m glad she finally got the opportunity to do so.
Abigael and Jordan. Listen, I just have a soft spot for their friendship. I just enjoy watching them. Tbh they both have easy chemistry with everyone but these two together just gives me good vibes. I just like them together on screen. I also liked how absolutely soft he was with her. And how she easily recognise his qualities. I just love them individually and together.
Maggie finally getting some therapy. I’m glad they’re finally giving that to her. Now can they extend that to like ... literally every single one of their main characters cause they all need it.
Josefina and Mel. As always their scene were really enjoyable. I think it’s always nice to see Mel show other people magic isn’t their only power. And I like how it shows how understanding and empathetic Mel really can be.
Mel and Maggie. Once again, their bond is so sweet and feels very natural. I just love seeing them share normal sisterly moments.
Negative points :
those are only going to be the actual negative points I have. Others that are more like annoyance, I’ll put them with the remarks.
Ruby. I’m just tired of this show giving zero effort to that relationship. I’m a big time abimel shipper but the treatment they give melby is just disrespectful at this point. They had one little moment where they said “oh she isn’t here” and then that’s it. Not even pretending to be on the phone. Or a text message. Nada. This needs to be fixed. Either get on it or get rid of it. But enough. Especially when you compare it to how they treat the straights.
Abigael’s story. Apparently some people don’t make the connexion with self harm, but to me said connexion is pretty obvious. More and more obvious especially after last episode where they showed us Abigael hurting herself directly. It was graphic and kinda unnecessary imo. I think the story itself, of having Abigael’s sides fight each other is interesting but the way they approached it was very careless and if they continue being so adamant about showing us how broken abi is, they need to actually be careful how they handle this.
Things that just don’t make sense:
Did no one tell Maggie about Jordan being cured ? I’m so confused 😭
Mel. Again, is no one ever going to talk about the fact she never finished her phd in season 1 ? Or didn’t have any teaching experience. I know it’s a small things that’s probably never going to be brought up but it’s been nagging me djdhd
At the end of the episode when they go back to putting the egg, suddenly the air isn’t toxic anymore and it’s small but i realised right away and just haven’t been able to get it out of my head.
Same with Josefina and the book. Mel was right there. Couldn’t she have taken it ? 😭
Why did Harry and Macy took the portal to Paris ? Why just not orb.
I’m still confused by the whole demon trying to kill the witch side of Abby to be honest. Like I’m not sure how hurting her physical body is going to do anything ? Isnt her demon part gonna die too then ? Parker’s made more sense because it was like a sickness, you could say the magical cells were killing he humans ones or something. But here ? I’m confused.
Talking about demon abi, ... why this ugly ass dress. I understand the reason for different noticeable clothes but why does it need to be this ugly. Abigael Jameson-Caine is too fashionable for this.
The entire book of shadow thing like ? Did we just forgot Mel presented the book to Josefina the episode before ? Are we just erasing that from our memories ? What’s happening.
How they gonna freeze the therapist and then just leave a note like is she not supposed to unfreeze ? Maggie is just gonna be gone ? And with a sudden note on her laps ? What.
Remarks & speculations
Hacy. I don’t dislike the couple don’t get me wrong. I think they’re sweet. But the show focuses too much on that relationship. Macy barely feels like she has a story outside of it at this point. At least Harry has the whole white lighter thing but again the reason he wants to be mortal is Macy so ... if just feels like the show continues to centre these two characters toward each other first. However it was great to see Macy happy. But again like The sisters had one hug and then that was if.
I’m really sad we didn’t actually see Macy and Josefina interact. Or that we won’t see her reach them a bit more about her magic and the whole new side they don’t know about.
My babies in the tomb. I’m just really wondering what the deal with the perfecti. Are they so big on duality, good and bad that it’s to an extreme that is dangerous ? Abigael in some ways I can understand. She’s the demon overlord. She’s powerful. Her demon form tried to go after TCO. But Jordan ? Was he just a collateral damage ? Did they judge him bad because he was with abi ? Because he was cursed ? Or is it a plan they have that involved isolating TCO ? (I doubt it but still a possibility). I mean he was probably out there cause he was helping abi but then it being strong questions about the perfecti’s moralities and visions of the world. Cannot wait to see more.
Abigael was ... broken to say the least. Kudo to poppy for that, Abigael looked absolutely exhausted. You could feel the fear and exhaustion in everything she did. And I feel bad for her because she’s not only mentally exhausted but physically too. She can’t sleep safely. And I don’t know if everyone realised the level all this must have reached for Abigael to be ready to give up everything. Because she is different from the sisters on this, she grew up as a magical being. That has been her entire life. What has been defining her since birth. For her to be so ready to give everything up so she could finally just find some peace ... she’s literally at her limits.
Talking about abi. We know the sisters are gonna try to help Jordan in episode 13 but does that mean they don’t realise Jordan is gone until then ? So it’s easy to assume 312 will also have abi/jordy mostly and in the tomb. Speculations - if the synopsis of 312 is indeed about saving Jordan from the tomb and not something else - is that they’ll realise on site than Abigael is stuck too and will help her as well. Unless she does something good to help jordan and because of that they decided to get her out too. That could connect both story and have a start on the redemption.
Also while abi is gone are the demons just gonna wait around ? Like the fact they all just willingly followed her rules doesn’t seem realistic but even less when the girl is no where to be found.
I just want Mel to get a proper storyline. And Macy too. Maggie I feel is actually the best written one development wise out of all of them.
I think they brought the storyline of Harry being worried about his age and waiting to be mortal too early. He has a good ten years on Macy anyway. And they barely started dating. There are already a lot of things going on and I genuinely feel like they should have left that for next season at least.
Maggie in therapy. “You seem like you have a lot of demons” “are you under a lot of stress” was genuinely funny. Maggie is so naturally funny I really love her for it.
Mel saying there isn’t another shoe to drop and demon Abigael saying hold me beer.
The dogs that does math. Don’t ask me why it’s just funny.
Josefina using her powers after realising she still has them
Macy’s face when Harry told her about becoming mortal as if he isn’t constantly talking about it djdhd
Abigael’s soft “jordy”
Celebrating later, running now
The entire witch ceremony at the end.
#charmed#charmed cw#charmed 2018#charmed reboot#abigael caine#abigael jameson caine#jordan chase#harry greenwood#macy vaughn#mel vera#maggie vera#review#charmed review#311
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hello queens , favorite episode in season 3?
Maggie: You should know that you picked like, the hardest question in the world. LOL. Like we looked at this and all went NOOOOOO. We had to make some rules to try and answer it, so we’re doing our favorite per half season and then one runner-up overall. I should also preface that these answers could very well change after the actual episodes are written -- for example, “World Uncertain” (209) was not a favorite of mine during the outline phase, but I love the final product so much that it bumped up way higher. So this is just as of right now, as you asked this question.
Divine: My favorites are “The Comfort Zone” (306) and “Jolly Holiday, Part 2″ (314). Why? Because they’re fun. :) No further comments. :) And my runner-up is “Nature of the Beast” (309).
Esther: My favorites are also “The Comfort Zone” (306) and “Jolly Holiday, Part 2″ (314). I think all of those episodes include crucial moments for various characters and dynamics, and overall are the most memorable for me because there are some iconic scenes (and performances) in all of them. My runner-up though is “Dylan and Asher” (312).
Katie: “The Comfort Zone” (306) and “Dylan and Asher” (312). Enough said. Runner-up is “Nature of the Beast” (309).
Natalia: Mine are also “The Comfort Zone” (306) and “Dylan and Asher” (312). I can’t really go into detail because spoilers, but I’ll just say “RL DA ZC and the drama.” Otherwise, my runner-up is “Last Dance” (315).
Maggie: Nat and Katie stole my favorites. They are also “The Comfort Zone” (306) and “Dylan and Asher” (312). I know it seems exciting that 306 is on all our lists, but please don’t raise your expectations too high, I still have to write this thing LMAO. I agree with what Esther said about reasons, but all I’ll say about 312 is it contains all of my niche interests that please me very greatly. (: And my runner-up is “The Odd Couples” (310).
AMBITION Creative Team Takeover !!
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Riverdale 312
things i hated:
wtf gargoyle king leave tom and cierra alone, they don’t deserve this crap
oohhh cheryl outing moose was horrible and she of all people should know how hard it is to come out of the closet
aaahhh cheryl is crying
choni “fighting”, no no no.
why is reggie thinking about robbing a bank?
oh my god reggie was shot
josie barely even appears in this trashy show anymore and when she does she’s crying, what’s up with that writers?
why is everyone having sex? veronica and reggie, betty and jughead, kevin and moose, cheryl and toni. JUST ARCHIE AND JOSIE ARE THE INNOCENTS HERE LMAO, i mean josie at least
choni being interrupted? wow didn’t even sae that before
they’re innocent stopppp noooo
oh shit the ( other ) gargoyle king is moose’s dad, when i saw the RROTC boys i thought moose’s dad would be the gk
“the sisters cured me”????? fuck you
so first jellybean is all mad at FP ( with reason ) and now she’s hugging him? hmmkay
oohhh noooo, moose and kevin are breaking up nooo
things i loved:
“but i only have eyes for you” “lucky me” aaaahh i love them, tom and sierra are so cute
oh fuck, they ( ^^^ ) are so cute
awn sweet pea and josie, 11 episodes later the writers make them talk, it was about time
kevin and cheryl? we love powerful gays
archosie is starting to grow on me
“you can be my baby driver” lmao
i’m honestly so in love with toni’s and josie’s outfits this episode
awwnnn moose and kevin
lmao their reaction when they found out gladys is jughead’s mom
at least cheryl realized she did something wrong and apologized, could betty ever? lmao
“A lot of people have had sex on that cot” lmao true
“keep your bow close”
“nice hat” — jughead jones to jellybean jones lol okay
archie and his guitar oof i miss that
at least moose is getting out of this creepy town, everyone should do the same
oooh i see why jellybean was hugging FP lmao
“can i kiss you” oh my god uwu
i really liked this episode, i think is one of the best this season, maybe after “the midnight club”, every episode should be like this, showing cheryl, toni, kevin, josie, etc
cheryl outing moose was so wrong, but i’m glad she apologized different then some characters COF COF betty. also i’m really excited to see more about this new gang they created. i think something is going to happen between choni and that girl in purple lipstick who asked “do we have a name yet” idk i just feel like it
i don’t know what jellybean nd gladys are trying to do with the town but let’s wait and see.
josie and toni were fashion queens in this episode and i’m in love with so many outfits, the clothes department is one of the only people who know what they’re doing.
cierra and tom were so cute, and getting married and being happy is what they deserve, they and fred are the only parents who deserve rights
i don’t know if i ship josie and archie, like i would have loved to see them just as friends, because archie doesn’t have any friends that are girls that he haven’t kissed yet, and i think it would’ve been good for him to have a friend like josie, to bring the good in him back, but i’m also not bother by they being together, although i think it should have taken longer, i mean they talked for the first time in like a year last episode and now they’re already kissing, but idk, i still prefer varchie tho.
#riverdale#riverdale spoilers#josie mccoy#kevin keller#cheryl blossom#toni topaz#reggie mantle#archie andrews#veronica lodge#betty cooper#jughead jones#veggie#choni#archosie#mevin#bizzarodale#cierra mccoy#tom keller#userbrub
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Dang it I was really hoping 312 would be a tyrus episode but I guess not lmao
we’re finally going to find out amber’s last name
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SPN 1X16 Shadow
oooo I see plot with Meg(who drained a guy’s blood to talk to people last we saw of her)
I’m excited, Sam Plot episodes slap
I don’t know if it’s because I saw the description or the music but it Feels like Chicago
like for Vancouver, I honestly almost bought it? and then the giant alleyways but whatever attempts were made
ma'am why the hell did you have to shuffle through so many keys
I sense a jump scare
This is why we don’t live alone for god’s sake
Where in the hell and fuck did they keep getting these costumes
lmao even Dean’s bitching about them
“you think credit card fraud is easy” dean you steal money for a living
Alarm Company that needs to stop this damn that’s a very good lie
Dean Focus
ok that’s like second or third time he’s been off book, eh
Ah Meredith’s heart is missing
pentacle blood spatter
god please no that would be so funny
ah thank god, that would have been Too Much
pfft ok Dean keeps getting numbers ok yeah I see the Womanizer thing now
but like not that much? idk like this is the second time he’s been more vocal about it at All it does not merit the title
“I’m visiting friends” Sam you don’t have friends
“What are the odds we’d run into each other” Meg you fucking planned this, don’t you lie to me
Dean gets yelled at Again but like also that fight was so many episodes ago
so much has happened since then
shOw yOu a Hell of A timE
at least it is a 312 number, that much is accurate
and now Dean is hurt but won’t emote in a normal way perfect good great
Sam correctly deduces that Meg has involvement good for u u funky lil hell king
I’m going I’m going was delivered so funny
“ur lurking” “nOo...Yes”
Awww sibling banterrrrr this is the SHITTTTT
the delivery in this entire conversation is making me cackle
Sam you can be as stealthy as you want, and it won’t do anything, your brother drives the most out of place car EVER
Sam this is the second episode in a row you decided to go on your own into an abandoned evil space u fucking moron
why is she blowing out the candles so slow
“what the hell” yes exactly sam gold star for u
simultaneous “dude I gotta talk to you” bahahaha
and both victims were born in Lawrence IT ALWAYS LEADS BACK TO LAWRENCE
is it john?? IS IT JOHN?? FU C K J O H N
I can and will mention that at every opportunity
“what if it was over” sam just wants this whole nightmare to be over and go back to school
“there’s gotta be something you want” no see john didn’t let Dean have his own opinion it’s cuz he’s the oldest
he looks so so young in this shot? no this hurts me
yeah ok fuck the finale, this...fuck
Sam telling Dean to let him go FUCKFUCK F U C K this hurts me
the shadow magic thing is really really cool
the lighting being only one her eyes? aight that’s pretty cool
“he has one weakness: you” oh BULLSHIT, that’s 100% not how that works
Dean’s neverending faith in his dad is really scaring me jesus
this really is a “why we are hunters” episode it hurts me
“go to hell” hahahahaha
oh this is QUITE uncomfortable MEG PERSONAL SPACE
This is a vastly uncomfortable scene jesus
and the old switcharoo
sam your taste in women? terrible
yknow i feel like it’s something to be said that neither of the siblings smiled when they saw their dad
manly hug from dean aight
simultaneous “yes, sir” is quite eerie
oh look shadow demon time
of course she didn’t die
all it takes is a flare gun babieeee
Dean is really going to do ANYTHING not to lose anyone else jesus christ
John I’m begging you please give your kids a little more than LITERALLY NOTHING
1. sibling banter is on point this episode
2. plot? plot is quite cool
3. John winchester is a mess of a human being and i hate him
4. I’m excited to see what’s gonna happen next
5. Which episode was it revealed that John would visit Sam at Stanford? I have no idea if it’s happened yet or not
idk brain very empty this was a cool episode
#pawswatchesspn#1x6 Shadow#God i can't remember if it's been said when john visited sam that feels so Important right now#Edit: solid month later and I find out it's fucking Bugs. It's FUCKING BUGS OF COURSE IT-
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